Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So... I've been meaning to post on this site for about two weeks. I had the blog name and site picked out and was ready to go in September. However I just seemed like every time I'd sit down to write I'd have nothing to write about. I have several friends that keep up with there blog entries on a regular basis, most of whom have tried to get me to write one. I've always thought that I had nothing worth saying in a blog. The way most of my friends use it is as a medium for random tidbits about their lives, their journals, or gossip. I've kinda found it pointless to write on the same sort of subjects since I do not enjoy reading them. I do not follow anyone's blog regularly (excepting of course all of yours, seeing as now it is part of class) because, to be honest, I'm not really interested in 'just how hot' the guy at the mall was or 'how obnoxious the test in that class was'.

So I've never started a blog, since I've never felt what I had to write within this medium would be worth reading.

However, thanks to the powers of academia (and my strong desire not to fail) I now will plunge head-long into the world of blogging.

Since right now I'm still unsure as to what I will allow myself to put on here, how much of myself I want to show you all (and how much of me you all might want to read about) I'm going to start with a list of topics I may or may not post on throughout the semester. I'll try to start with topics pertaining to our class, but the list is a little random as i plan on using this blog to motivate myself to focus on writings that have little to do with class.

List of potential topics:

-My opinions and thoughts on the articles and materials read in class.

-My comments on class discussions that I didn't
have the time to flesh out in class.

-Thoughts and ideas from other classes that intertwine with ours.

-Random bits about my day, things going on about campus, town, etc...

-Segments from my own writings outside of class
(I write mainly high-fantasy fiction).

-I'm almost always in the mood to discuss books I've read
so I might do that here.

-Anything from movies to video games to television series I think
everyone should see.

-Also, I plan on keeping a weekly update on what goes on
with my Gear Up work at BU High.

So, this may be what I talk about in this blog. Or I may do something completely different. As the title shows, this is probably going to be pretty random and rambling. (Kinda like this first post).

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